Thu, Apr 25, 2024

The most important tools for the job.

As you can see in this image, the basic tools for a good barman are not many but fundamental.

attrezzi del barman

  1. Corkscrew

  2. Inlay knife for gaskets.

  3. Inlay knife for gaskets.

  4. Inlay knife for gaskets.

  5. Paring knife to make continuous strips of lemons and oranges.

  6. Tool for melon balls etc..

  7. Other knife for engraving.

  8. Scoop to empty frui.

  9. Paring knife for wide strips of citrus fruit.

  10. Corkscrew for champagne.

  11. Classic serrated knife or not for cutting citrus fruits, fruit etc.

  12. Long bar spoon.

  13. Tweezers for lemon slices and more.

  14. Corkscrew for crown caps.

  15. Ice scoop.

  16. Practical lime squeezer directly in the glass or shaker.

  17. Fine wood pestle

  18. Teflon pestle.

  19. Small mortar

  20. Steel part of the "Boston" shaker

  21. Glass part of the "Boston" shaker. Mixing glas.

  22. Glass part of the "Boston" shaker. Mixing glas.

  23. Jigger or measuring spoon of 2 and 4 cl.

  24. Siphon for soda water.

  25. Martini cup

  26. Strainer

  27. Strainer

  28. Strainer.

  29. Sparkling wine stopper

  30. Grater for nutmeg and roots or spices

grattugia per noce moscata.

  • Strainer to filter citrus or other for cocktails.

  • colino cocktail

    Logically there must be a blender and juicer.

    foto di frullatore e spremiagrumi

    The tools, as you can see, are not many but, if well used, they can give a lot of satisfaction to your customers and consequently to you. Below I propose a short demonstration video. attrezzi.ogg