Fri, Apr 19, 2024

Bibliography and small personal collection of books on the bar world to be studied by heart to be good barmen.

I state that they are personal choices puramente not dictated by forms of advertising or interests of any kind but they are the milestones for the study of the barman profession in Italy.

peppino-manzi-manuale-del-barman manualedel-barman

A fundamental basis to start studying.

The publication dates back to the early 80s and I think it is difficult to find it but in my opinion essential to start a professional job.


Another important study book, published in 1987 by the famous AIBES barmen Mauro Marini and Peppino Manzi. The first edition was accompanied by videotapes on the various topics of the book. I hope you can find it. bar-story



The first cover of the copy I have was like this. libro-bar-story

"El libro del bar y de los cocteles"El libro del bar y los cocteles I don't know if for this fantastic book, almost a encyclopedia of alcoholic beverages there is an Italian translation but it is excellent. To be studied thoroughly for the product category of the products used in the bar.


For those who want to learn more about dining and bar service techniques, very important things, you can consult this website online e anche questo
don't forget to take a look at è molto interessante e non dimenticatevi della autorevole (secondo me) e storica associazione dell'AIBES e alla sua rivista ufficiale
To start getting an idea of ​​the barman's work, this book is also very interesting and simple, however, since I live in Spain I don't know if there is an Italian translation. Book on the work of the barman